words not required.


If you’re here it’s because you’ve got some questions about who I am, what I stand for and what the heck it’s going to be like coming to therapy with me — so I’m going to do my best to answer those questions for you.

For me, therapy has the potential to be a jumping off point for people to realize their own potential. No matter where you’ve been, or how you were raised, or what happened to you — you’re not predestined to be, or end up, any type of way! You’ve got some control over it.

The therapy I do and the clients I work best with — they all understand that on some level. Or at the very least, they know that they don’t want to be where they are, or where they think they’re headed based on their set of circumstances. They’re tired of hearing that they’re wrong, or broken, or that they just don’t fit. They’re tired of hearing that they’re not enough. More than that, they’re tired of being afraid of themselves.

As a person who understood pretty early that they found pleasure in “different” ways, finding vibrant communities of people who are afraid to be themselves is abhorrent to me. I’m here to destigmatize things like sadness, sexuality, anger, pain — things that for many people are hard. Life doesn’t need to be so difficult if we just stop listening to all the bullshit that everyone tries to tell us is true. If we learn to listen to and have confidence in our inner wisdom.

Our culture is so anti-pain and anti-discomfort that it misses out on a lot of depth of feeling and experience. Some of the most amazing things recorded throughout history have been found through or because of something hard, something painful — or something just plain uncomfortable! These things can’t be avoided because they’re an inherent part of the human experience. My goal is to make people less afraid of experiencing them, and more confident in their ability to handle them.

Are you in?

Heidi is currently accepting clients who:

  • teen (16+)/ young adults / adults

  • want Art Therapy,

  • for sex or relationship issues

  • Kink / BDSM / ENM Focused, or

  • Couples wanting to work with art therapy

All other enquiries will be forwarded to the team or waitlisted! Please check out the students working with me for quick support!

Becca And Shirley


Art Therapy

Sex Therapy

DBT Skills

Emotion Regulation


Individual Therapy






You know, you need to know.

Contact me with any questions you may have about psychotherapy services, workshops or supervision.


Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

-Mary Oliver


745 Bridge St. W Unit 6 Waterloo, ON 


heidi@alignedhealth.ca @heidiargylearttherapy