Try a scribble or three…

Brains aren’t always the most fun places to live. Sometimes they get stuck in “danger” mode, or you may know that bad boy as Anxiety! Art therapy has long used the benefits of scribbles and mark making to help bring that danger response to a slow roll.

Here are three different kinds of scribbles you can use daily to help that brain do great things!

Take a line out for a walk

  1. Place 1 dot in each of the four corners of your page.

  2. Choose a colour for your line walk

  3. Beginning in the bottom left corner, take one long line out to connect the dots in some way.

  4. When you feel done (usually about 30 seconds) start filling in the spaces with loose colours (think scribbles!)

    Video Link

Imagination Scribble

  1. Begin anywhere on your page

  2. Continuing to cover the page with lines that are big and loopy and spikey… whatever your hands want to do. Let it go.

  3. Step back from your page. Turn it around several times - look for items, objects, things, places or animals that might be coming out in the scribble (using your imagination)

  4. Using other colours and lines, create the image you see in the scribble

    Video Link

Both Hands Scribble (AKA Bi-Lateral Scribble)

  1. Choose two colours - one for each hand

  2. Using both hands and colours… begin at the bottom centre of your page

    1. Draw straight vertical lines 5 times (up and down)

    2. Back to the centre of your page, draw straight horozontol lines 5 times (side to side) allowing your hands to cross over the centre.

    3. Back to centre. Draw 5 semi-cricles on the top of the line 5 times.

    4. back to Centre. Begin making small circles and let them get bigger and bigger, until you touch the edges of the page.

    5. Back to centre. Make dots all over the page, again allowing your hands to cross over one another.


Caring, I’m trying.